
Showing posts from March, 2020

The One Where We Finally are at Peace

In the past couple of years Malcolm has been ruling as King. Nothing has gone wrong. I am so proud that he is ruling so well, just like his father. He proved himself quite wrong, in most ways anyway.. He definitely is known by many of the women around, but who cares. I am living in the castle along with the other Lords. We hold many Banquets, but no one gets killed anymore, so we are living good. I will live the rest of my life being a Lord and trying to keep our kingdom protected along with the other Lords. I have very high hopes for the future. I am trying so hard to get Malcolm to settle down and create a legacy to go on when he passes. I believe he is getting close, as he has been seeing only one girl for longer than anyone else before! A Lady for Malcolm would be the best thing for him. As for now, I am just sitting back and watching very interested. ~SP

The One Where Macbeth Gets What He Deserves

Finally! It has happened. Before I say anything more I must go back to the beginning. Myself and my fellow Lords all marched toward Macbeth's castle to go and defeat him. Macbeth claimed that he was fiercely confident (what a fool am I right) because no man born from a women could kill him, and he just KNEW  that no one else was not born from a women (wrong!) As we all marched into the Birnam Wood, we cut a tree and camouflaged ourselves as trees, this is when Macbeth starts to remember that he would die when the Birnam Wood came to life, and he started to lose some of his confidence. One of the prophecies is starting to come true! This is where the best part starts to come through! Malcolm, Malcolm comes through and tells all of us to draw our swords. Sadly, during this time, Young Siward is killed by Macbeth. But then Macduff comes from out of no where and warns Macbeth that he actually never was born naturally from a women, he was actually born of a cesarean section. Immediately

The One Where Malcolm is Convinced to Come Back

It has happened! Macduff fulfilled his duties in making Malcolm want to come back. Malcolm has finally discovered what Macbeth is doing here, he realized he does indeed need to come back and become king. Myself and the fellow Lords are going to march to Birnam and get rid of Macbeth ourselves! We are not going to stop to anyone, even if that means that we have to get a little bloody. Because after all, the sovereign flower needs to be drowned by the weeds in order to grow. I still think that Macbeth is just as filthy as ever. Better yet, so is Lady Macbeth. Rumor has it that she spoiled it for herself and Macbeth, in her sleep. That's right, Lady Macbeth got up in her own sleep and started to wash off blood that was supposedly on her hands, then she mentioned that Banquo is in his grave. What could this mean? Only one thing. Macbeth has killed Banquo and it is only confirmed. But it sounds as if she was talking about multiple times. This could only mean that he also killed Duncan.