The One Where Malcolm is Convinced to Come Back

It has happened! Macduff fulfilled his duties in making Malcolm want to come back. Malcolm has finally discovered what Macbeth is doing here, he realized he does indeed need to come back and become king. Myself and the fellow Lords are going to march to Birnam and get rid of Macbeth ourselves! We are not going to stop to anyone, even if that means that we have to get a little bloody. Because after all, the sovereign flower needs to be drowned by the weeds in order to grow. I still think that Macbeth is just as filthy as ever. Better yet, so is Lady Macbeth. Rumor has it that she spoiled it for herself and Macbeth, in her sleep. That's right, Lady Macbeth got up in her own sleep and started to wash off blood that was supposedly on her hands, then she mentioned that Banquo is in his grave. What could this mean? Only one thing. Macbeth has killed Banquo and it is only confirmed. But it sounds as if she was talking about multiple times. This could only mean that he also killed Duncan. Macbeth is a droning hell-hated lout. He deserves to die! If truth be told, I am willing to do it myself!
Image result for friends memesI really do hope that Macbeth takes his last clouted breath soon. He is willing to kill everything and anyone just to get the satisfaction that they will not make him jealous. I am hoping that Macduff takes his rightful anger out on Macbeth in the most cruel and grueling way, because that is the only thing that Macbeth deserves, is death. Yes! What an idea. Macduff shall kill Macbeth's wife right in front of him, then kill Macbeth himself. My only hope about that is that I am there to witness the bawdy fly-bitten minnows death myself.  ~SP


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