The One Where We Finally are at Peace

In the past couple of years Malcolm has been ruling as King. Nothing has gone wrong. I am so proud that he is ruling so well, just like his father. He proved himself quite wrong, in most ways anyway.. He definitely is known by many of the women around, but who cares. I am living in the castle along with the other Lords. We hold many Banquets, but no one gets killed anymore, so we are living good. I will live the rest of my life being a Lord and trying to keep our kingdom protected along with the other Lords. I have very high hopes for the future. I am trying so hard to get Malcolm to settle down and create a legacy to go on when he passes. I believe he is getting close, as he has been seeing only one girl for longer than anyone else before! A Lady for Malcolm would be the best thing for him. As for now, I am just sitting back and watching very interested. ~SP
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