The One Where Macbeth Gets What He Deserves

Finally! It has happened. Before I say anything more I must go back to the beginning. Myself and my fellow Lords all marched toward Macbeth's castle to go and defeat him. Macbeth claimed that he was fiercely confident (what a fool am I right) because no man born from a women could kill him, and he just KNEW that no one else was not born from a women (wrong!) As we all marched into the Birnam Wood, we cut a tree and camouflaged ourselves as trees, this is when Macbeth starts to remember that he would die when the Birnam Wood came to life, and he started to lose some of his confidence. One of the prophecies is starting to come true! This is where the best part starts to come through! Malcolm, Malcolm comes through and tells all of us to draw our swords. Sadly, during this time, Young Siward is killed by Macbeth. But then Macduff comes from out of no where and warns Macbeth that he actually never was born naturally from a women, he was actually born of a cesarean section. Immediately after, Macduff kills Macbeth!
I am so excited to see what Malcolm can do  as king! If he does anything as well as his father then he will be one of the best. I am confident that he will come through for us and become his best self. This is only the beginning to our recovery. I am relieved. ~SPImage result for friends gif


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