The One Where I Cannot Unfeel the Terror at Night

As we are all getting used to Duncan's death Macbeth is going to be having a banquet tonight. I am quite excited as everyone will be there. It is a time of mourning still so I am so glad we all can take our minds off of it. Although Macbeth has taken over, I do not totally trust him as I will be watching him closely. I believe that my fellow Lords are feeling the same way, but who knows maybe it is just me. There is still not something  right in the air. Something is wrong, and it is deeper than Duncan's death. I fear for the future of us as last night "there were terrible voices predicting catastrophes" but that feeling has not quite settled. I just hope this banquet puts everyone in their place, as we need it so desperately. ~SP
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Lady Macduff said…
I wonder why everyone has such a strange feeling about Macbeth. I have yet to meet hom, but I have heard many stories saying he is not trustworthy...

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