The One Where We Learn Nobody Is Safe

Okay, so here is the thing. No one is safe anymore. Pretty much, if Macbeth does not like you or even thinks that there is a slight chance that you could be better than him, you are dead. Take it from me because it is all starting to fall in place. He decided to go and have people kill Macduff but when he was not there they killed his child instead?? Macbeth is a ruggish fly-bitten scut. There are people out there who are willing to kill for Macbeth, only the witches know why. Speaking of the witches... who do they think they are?? They are just evil and lets just say it, weird. But anywho, Macbeth. So Macbeth is just crazy. He called me in to talk to him and of course I had to talk to him... I even had to act civil and nice to him because remember what I said, he will kill anything he does not like. I let him know that Macduff has gone to England and he STILL sent people to his home to kill him. What an idiot. Listen. We have to get rid of him somehow, there has to be a way. There is word going around that nothing human can defeat Macbeth. Maybe this is why the witches are on his side, because they clearly are not human either they are just lumpish half-faced measles. Oh, but on the bright side of things. Macduff has gone to England to go get Malcolm and bring him back here to take over! That HAS to work, right?
Maybe there is a way we could get rid of Macbeth. Maybe we could get those evil sisters on our side. They are not human, so they have the capabilities of killing Macbeth and destroying him before he finishes destroying us! That is a great idea. If only I could get them on my side. If only I could get rid of Macbeth myself, but I am human.
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