The One Where Macbeth Starts Acting Suspicious

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plot to evilly kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth shows her insanity throughout her speeches when she is explaining to Macbeth that he needs to man up and just kill Duncan. She then goes on to say that she will deal with the bad stuff as long as he just puts on a kind and peaceful face that way no one will get any suspicions or ideas. Lady Macbeth acts so kindly to Duncan that he has no idea that anyone is plotting against him. While Lady Macbeth is so excited she can barely wait, Macbeth is having serious consideration, he knows that the king trusts him and he knows that the king is a good humble man. The people that Duncan lead will feel passionately about his death. When Macbeth admits this to Lady Macbeth she says that he is being a coward instead of taking the crown, she accuses him of being an animal. She then reassures him that this will make him a real man, this makes Duncan sure that it is in his fate to kill Duncan and take crown. Macbeth then starts to hallucinate that there is a dagger floating in front of him, he can not make sense of it, the only thing that he can think of it is that it is his fates calling to go and kill Duncan at that moment.

Even though Macbeth is acting quite friendly to Duncan, I still feel that he is acting too friendly to him. AND Lady Macbeth WHERE is she? I can not seem to find her anywhere. I have raising suspicions of the two. Duncan is such an honest noble man, but the two seem to feel differently about him. What could it be? I am thinking that Macbeth could be jealous! That is it. Macbeth is jealous of Duncan and his crown and Lady Macbeth is even more jealous because she wants that for her husband. But what would they really do? They could not think of killing Duncan, he is so loved and wanted as king by many. So what are they possible thinking?? They are filthy. Their love is filthy. ~SP

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Ms. May said…
I am LOVING your titles! And I can't wait to follow your journey to figure out what is going on here!
Hecate said…
I think you are underestimating the power the witches hold over Macbeth and what he will do to fulfill his prophecy!

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